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与 130 学生组织 而且不止 1,000 事件, there's always something to do on campus.
The humanities comprise those fields that study human creations of all sorts. The 人文学科 major thus include the study of literature, 哲学, history (including art history and history of science), 外语, 文化, 音乐学, interdisciplinary studies and parts of fields such as psychology, anthropology and sociology. 人文学科 students can choose Major and Minor emphases including Ancient and Medieval Studies, Digital and Public 人文学科, Environmental 人文学科, Linguistics and 教学 ESL, 宗教研究 and 世界文化.
人文学科 students have the opportunity to participate in excellent high-impact hands-on learning at UW-绿湾, 包括:
校友 from UW-绿湾’s 人文学科 program are in the following career fields:
Watch the video to explore all the opportunities available to you when you declare as a 人文学科 major at UW-绿湾.
UW-绿湾 has excellent teachers, 实习, research opportunities, a great record of placing students into jobs and graduate programs. 了解更多
“Many business and IT companies are looking for 人文学科 graduates as they have the kind of communication and critical thinking skills that are in high demand. A degree in the 人文学科 from UW-绿湾 prepares you for a wide array of careers and professions and prepares you with the skills and flexibility needed for the 21st Century.” - David Coury, Professor of 人文学科 David is here to help! Meet or contact our 人文学科 Professors.
920-465-2111 uwgb@globalshibei.com
For more information on 人文学科, please contact us.